Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Issues on Human Capital for Biotech Industry (part 1)
i got this sad news while i was on my way to KL. i had to attend one symposium on biotech. they discuss abt the human capital of biotech industry esp in malaysia.
i took a ride with mr.azmeer. he is my opismate. tq to him drove me all the way from muar to KL. we chit chat along the way and he is quite frenly eventho i just started work about 2months. he taught me a lot. He had a great smile..and still single..(sapa kawan2 aku nak masuk line sila minta no phone die dr aku k) and also tq to my other opismate..esp..kak pi..pakcik zubir..en.nasir...en.omar..en.mohktar....
the symposium took place somewher in the centre ok Kl..and for me that has kampung background,i'm not used to go to the big hotel..1st i came in the hotel...the workers gave warm welcome and i met my bos then i go the seminar...
at first i thought that the symposium like the seminar wher i come..sit..and just listen to the speech/presentation..however in that symposium..i need to be in group and discuss about a topic..which i'm quite blur since i came late. Guess la who were my groupmate...
they are
1.lecturers (prof n doctors)
3.VP of human resources
4.Me( seriously i feel like real loser)
luckily for me that my groupmates were frenly and they shared and pointed out the experinces and knowledge that for sure i did absorb as much as possible...
tell u wat, how small i feel in that group discussion..and somehow i feel like i'm invisible...(tetibe tukar cite2 nak jd org xx-ray..heh)
bercerita ttg isi penting yg aku dapat..sgt la byk..tapi meh la nak kongsi sedikit sebyk yg aku masuk otak aku haritue...
The main issues regarding this human capital for biotech industry were concluded into 4 types of issues..namely
- Supply
- Demand
- Continous development
- retention
My dear brothers and sisters...for graduating students...undergrad students as well...
luk,wat i can see from their discussion was they are expecting us undergrad students to further our study..i understand that nowadays getting knowledge simpler than b4..they did mentioned that wat they study in their PhD back then, is now studied by the Bsc students. can u see the trend? so the new generation including me, hopefully will use and retain and spread the knowledge and i believe we must have our own effort to acquire knowledge. Not always spoon fed by our lecturers. and nak bitau gak yg depa pun dpt rasa cam aku rasa la blur2 sket pasal biotech kat malaysia nie..mahupun kat me..sapa2 in field of worries many waiting for u...
May i share with u guys the Top 20 skills in Biotech, and i'm quite suprise! owh my god... o! ALLAH pls help me...and below are the skills required in Biotech generally..
- Active learning
- Active listening
- Coordination
- Critical thinking
- judgement and desicion making
- monitoring
- reading comprehension
- social interactions
- speaking
- time mangement
- writing..
and the rest u can find it soon...this was quoted from California Labor Market n Economic Analysis 2007. i was benchmarking the US bcos the biotech advancement of the state. sebenarnya takyah g jauh with spore suda...tats the reality bro n sis!
Monday, May 26, 2008
naek moto II
skrg g keje ayah anta gak gi keje....tapi skrg ayah da tue..die bwk moto slow je..walau pun aku ade lesen...ayah tak bg bawak..ayah ckp sementara die ade nie die leh anta...huhu..terharu...
sbb ape best naek moto dgn ayah...
*ayah selalu cerita macam2 tgh naek moto...
*ayah leh pakai kan aku helmet walaupun aku da besar panjang...
*ayah leh kentut tanpa dimarahi aku...(sbb dalam kete takleh kentut)
*ayah and saya suka angin....sejuk bila kena angin...
*ayah turunkan ilmu die riding moto...kata ayah dulu rider..yeah..yeah...
*ayah kata naek moto leh sampai cepat..pastu takyah la ikut law sgt...tau je la naek moto..
bestnya naek moto dgn ayah!
bila umur aku da meningkat ayah percaya kat aku tau..aku dibenarkan membawa motosikal...satu hari aku eksiden..punya la risau mak ayah aku..turun kl tgk aku..padahal tak la teruk sgt...mak aku la plg risau..sian mak...relax mak....yam ok je nie...huhu..
tue la...camnie la is a cycle..we are not always at the top..
luh mahfuz...tiup roh...
ayah lahir...mak lahir...abang lahir..aku lahir...adik lahir...
ayah meninggal...mak meninggal..abang meninggal...aku meninggal...adik meninggal..
(reti ke aku mandi mayat?,samayang jenazah? ya allah...sengal la aku)soal jawab kubur...
jannah? jahannam? we choose..
aku harap..satu hari nanti aku leh bawak ayah pula masjid melancong ke...
TAPI mampukah aku bawak ayah ke jannah? perangai biar elok wahai diri sendiri....
u reflect ur parents!! jgn perangai kita cam setan,heret mak bapak gi jahannam!!
Change! we can make the diffrent!
naek moto.
kalo korang nak tau..aku dari kecik sampai aku keje ayah anta aku gi tempat aku belajar..
dulu masa kaki aku pendek lagi..kaki aku muat tau masuk bakul moto ayah..kelakar time tue sbb g tadika islam naek moto dan pakai skirt..nampak kedai kopi tapi dulu kecik2 selambe den je...huhu..malu gue...
pastu masuk skolah rendah aku da kene duduk blkg sbb kaki da panjang..time g sekolah aku suka tak letak kaki atas pedal sbb nak anginkan stoking..kadang2 basah..lupa nak basuh...pastu kan tergantung la kaki..aku rasa thrill sbb kaki aku leh sepak lopak sambil naek moto..haha..bersambung!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
lu pk la sendiri (nabil,2008)
aku tgk org skrg..keje sume nak senang..kalo yg berpeluh sket tanak keje..
manja? mengada2? atau merosakkan diri? aku tak pasti...
aku pun tak pasti aku nak keje ape...
ayah aku ckp,susah tau nak cari rezeki halal nie..nak cari duit halal bukan leh maen2....
hmm...camni..aku pk...duit kita keje kan...pastu kita dapat gaji kan..kasi anak bini makan kan..pastu kita pun makan kan..
da tue makanan jadi darah daging(selain dari jadi t*hi), kalo makan menda haram..yg jd darah daging tue nanti elok kah? wangi kah? bau hangit kah? lu pk la sendiri;p
angin yg aku suka(kalo sepoi2 bahasa) bole gak jd ganas...tau sbb ape? cari la ape2 scientifik explanation abt that,,aku ttp pk yg sume bencana nie peringatan dr Allah..
aku nak ingat kan kat diri aku supaya bertaubat sblm terlambat...
aku kena ucapkan terima kasih byk2
1.kat mak ayah..
2.Kat sume kawan2 yg best..
3.kat laut yg menenangkan..
4.kat kucing yg gebu...
5.kat bf yg kdg2 gelabah..(no offence)
6.kat alam..
7.kat umah..
aku leh terus meneruskan list aku...tapi kan at the end...aku tau sapa yg sebenarnya empunya hak TERIMA KASIH aku nie.. kalo stakat terima kasih je tak cukup tukl DIA..
Ya ALLAH..tq forever and ever...
kalo aku tak bersyukur gak..aku tatau nak ckp pe..ingat ye diri sendiri...setiap ape aku wat akan di persoal..tubuh badan jd saksi..
time tu mmg da tak telly la roh dgn badan....
pelik aku tgk manusia.
pelik aku tgk manusia bangga dgn kemungkaran yg dilakukan.
pelik aku manusia jarang nak dgr nasehat.
pelik aku bila aku dapati manusia pk cam dunia nie kekal.
pelik aku bila org tak pk mak bapak.
lagi pelik aku bila org ak endah tuhan.
pelik aku bila aku tgk org tua tak sedar diri.rumah kata pergi,kubur kata mari.
pelik ganda dua aku kalo aku sendiri tak sedar diri.